Latest work (portfolio)
Death is getting old (drawings)
Web shops go to hell! (general)
If you need it done right, do it yourself. Everybody is familiar with this expression. I've used a lot of web application and most of the time I keep thinking I can do a better job. The software may facilitate the features you want, but they way to get there is a pain in the ass.
In the pre iPhone era there was Windows Mobile and Symbian. Both with a rich feature set and a there was a way to develop for these platforms. But in no way is there any decent integration of those features. Then the iPhone came along and it changed the way mobile developers look at these devices and the integration of the applications. Clearly Apple's philosophy: "If you need it done right, do it yourself".
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Custom world with Google Maps (javascript)
For some of you may know I am working on a game called Torpia. It has great graphics and drawings. I like the way the game is handled, but once in a while there are some things that bug me. And like any other developer I want to do something about it.
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dicaORM Object-relational mapping (PHP)

DicaORM is a powerful and easy to use ORM (object-relation mapping) library. It is based on the ActiveRecord pattern. It carries both data and behavior.
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Face woman (in progress) (drawings)
Torpia browsergame online! (general)
Finally after a couple of months we released our browsergame. It's called Torpia.
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Sketch of a face (drawings)
Castle on whiteboard (drawings)
Face woman (drawings)
Layout by Resolution (javascript)
I've got this 20i Cinema Display and when viewing sites on this resolution they all have a lot of space not being used. Would it not be cool to change the layout of your site to whatever the size of your Screen or browser is so we can benefit of this lost space?
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